There I Go Again!

Published on by Francesca Quarto

There I Go Again!

I have accepted yet another opportunity to show up as a live Author (as opposed to a dead, but famous one...) at a book store this coming Sunday. I never refuse an invitation to present my published work to the public, no matter what the setting.

I have explained what led me to write an Urban Fantasy Series and described the cast of characters that roam throughout it, to just about anyone... short of using American Sign Language (a skill I wish I had...)

I believe in my story telling abilities and the tales I enjoy weaving and will talk about either at length if any poor soul wanders within ear shot!

If you'd be interested yourself in getting an ear full...come visit and I'll sign your books between 1 and 4 pm at IndyReads Book Store located at 911 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis IN. April 24th. Look for my smiling face and let's talk books! (Preferably, mine!)

There I Go Again!
There I Go Again!
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